Dodi Blunts

Before you even ask, working with Marshawn Lynce was great. Professional and simply adds to the energy of the room positively. All the images below were shot for Dodi Blunts .

I almost did not get the chance to shoot this campaign. Days earlier, I was told by another client we had worked with that a model had tested positive for COVID-19. The moment we were told, we tried our best to get tested ASAP. It was Wednesday and we were shooting on Friday. After a slight panic, I found a hospital that had a window open and got tested. From there on out, I must have checked my email about 100 times for the results. I got the results in an amazing 11 hours. If I had missed this shoot, it would be unfortunate and I would have to tell myself more will some for about a year. Luckily I tested negative along with the DP and we were able to create some magic.

The light restriction was the name of the game that day. There was not a single night not gridded on set. We used constant light to balance the exposure between the projected image behind Marshawn and flash for the dark portraits below. All the smoke in the scenes below is real and from CBD based flower for obvious reasons. Light sources included a gridded octa, a gridded beauty dish along a gridded strip bank all tightly controlled.

This is one for the books. Special thanks to DAYJOB & DODI BLUNTS
